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Capitalize on Football Fever

Posted On: August 22, 2016 by ClubProcure in: Pro Shop VGM Club

Capitalize on Football Fever

Just how popular is the NFL?

The top 12 shows of the 2015 fall season were all NFL games, led by the 29.4 million viewers who tuned in for the Seattle-Dallas game on Nov. 1. In all, 26 of the top 27 programs were professional football games! Year in and year out the NFL regularly holds about 27 or 28 of the top 30 shows in the fall. The Macy's Day Parade is the only show consistently holding a place in the top 30 as well. - Via USA Today

How can your course capitalize?

Sports-related marketing - There are endless promotional ideas that your club can use to get patrons into your bar to watch the big game. Not every golfer who tees it up at your course has DIRECTV NFL Sunday Ticket. With your VGM Club membership, eligible clubs receive NFL Sunday Ticket at special pricing.

Fantasy Football Players

Nearly 75 million people will play fantasy football this year - Via NY Post. With Sunday Ticket, your club can offer your patrons a place to watch all their players in one spot, your club. Offering a sports-related marketing promotion revolving around fantasy football is a fantastic way to add value to a membership at your club - all while they are purchasing food & drink.

How does this lead to more profit?

Check out this profit calculator to see how spending to get NFL Sunday Ticket pays for itself (over and over again).

For more information on whether your club is eligible for the DIRETV Business Xtra Package, contact your VGM Club rep or visit their supplier page on VGMClub.com.